👑Used By the British Royal Family👑

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like (A Personalised) Christmas

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like (A Personalised) Christmas

November 21, 2016

Anyone that knows me knows that I love Christmas. I mean, I don’t even just love Christmas, I'm slightly obsessed by it. I’m chomping at the bit to put our Christmas Tree up but am patiently waiting until Dec 1st, although we have started to listen to Christmas Carols in the car already.

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It’s Oh So Quiet

It’s Oh So Quiet

November 10, 2016

So the kids are finally quiet, meaning you have survived another day until bedtime and now what… you probably have a To Do List as tall as your toddler and piles of washing! But being a Mummy is an insanely hard, knackering, wonderfully rewarding job, and you need to treat yourself with a little respect and serious downtime once in a while.

Here are some tips and tricks to unwinding and making the most of some precious silent moments:

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High Tea With A Real Life Princess

High Tea With A Real Life Princess

October 21, 2016

I have quite honestly had a week from hell in parenting terms with a vicious vomiting bug knocking out both the kids & I like dominoes (how my husband who normally catches everything going has evaded it makes my mind boggle!) I have been knee deep in washing bed sheets and having kids taking over my bed, as well as having it myself, which has ultimately left me shattered and VERY behind on this blog post. 

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A World Of Pure Imagination

A World Of Pure Imagination

October 16, 2016

One of my favourite things about being a parent is being reminded of my incredibly happy childhood. From toys that my kids are playing with which remind me of my youth (the famous red & yellow car anyone?) to cartoons and films which I cherished as a child, the nostalgia can be overwhelming and wonderful at times. Seeing the excitement in my children's eyes and thinking of that innocent excitement that I too once held can fill me with memories so strong I feel like I am living them all over again. But what has filled me with the most immense feeling of nostalgia so far in my son's small life is reading our first chapter book together.

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First Day Trip As A Family Of Four

First Day Trip As A Family Of Four

October 02, 2016

I have found that having a toddler and a baby can mean that I am tempted to stay at home more than I used to. Between regular toilet trips for a freshly potty trained toddler, and the milk feeds, nappy changes and food feeds for the baby, if you are in a home environment this is all made a lot easier.

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keepemquiet travel pack for family travel in car journey to airport lots of toys and games

Drivin' Me Crazy!

September 26, 2016

 Are we there yet? ARE WE THERE YET? 


Sound familiar?

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Travel Items We Cant Live Without

Travel Items We Cant Live Without

September 09, 2016

 Travelling with kids can be one of the most daunting experiences as a new parent, and then as you expand your family, this daunting feeling increases! Taxi journeys, navigating airports, queues, flights and delays...the list goes on! The stress of travelling is what gave birth to the idea of Keep Em Quiet but we have found these items are also MUST HAVE essentials to make the trip that bit less bumpy. 

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