Fun Little Treats — Stocking Filler Ideas for Kids This Christmas
Christmas is the season of fun, joy and giving. It’s the occasion when even Ebenezer Scrooge let go of greedy demeanour and dined with his family. It is extremely special to all of us; children being no exception, and for them, nothing’s better than waking up and finding gifts under Xmas decorations.
Stockings are the best part. You never know what could be in there!
It’s your, their parent’s (sorry, we mean Santa’s), responsibility to keep children entertained on this festive occasion, and the best way to do that is by capitalizing on some of the best children’s stocking filler ideas. After all, it’s Santa! Who doesn’t love a visit from him, right?
Here, we’ll discuss some stocking filler ideas for kids to help you prepare for Christmas early on and make the end of this year great for them by rewarding their patience. Gotta make those cookies and glass of milk count, right? So let’s start unwrapping!
Children’s Stocking Filler Ideas
1. Bling Bags/Surprise Eggs
With YouTube being such a sensation this year and with children not really having much else to do, blind bags and surprise eggs have become quite the sensation. For those of you who don’t know, these are just bags through which your children can’t see or tell what’s inside and are fit within stockings.
It can include minifigures, balls, jewellery, home-made slime for kids, or more. These blind bags are also suitable for sensory toys for kids such as bubble machines, sand modelling sets, and more. The possibilities are endless. Just remember, the messier it is, the more they’ll like it!
2. A Science or an Excavation Kit
If your child is a little science-y, there are many kits that you can include in their Xmas stockings. These science kits come in various types; from a body and bones kit all the way to a mad scientist kit where they get to bring out their biology and chemistry-loving side respectively.
For the explorers out there, you can put excavation kits in their Christmas stockings to make their upcoming months a little more adventurous. Just make sure you wrap these properly with the right wrapping essentials. For children, half the fun is tearing open wrappings!
3. Hair Bands/Ties
Girls love to accessorise, and what better accessory to give your child than a hairband, right? Try to make sure it’s their favourite colour or one with their favourite superhero on it to make it even more interesting.
4. Glow in the Dark Stuff
Nobody likes glow in the dark toys or decorations more than children, so why not light up their world with some glow in the dark fun? From wall decorations with dinosaurs and stars all the way to light-up jewellery, the options are limitless! Here are a few glow-in-the-dark gifts that you can buy to keep your kids entertained for the whole next year!
- A glow in the dark speed track for toy cars
- Terrarium items
- Light-up jewellery
- A foam surge rocket launcher and more!
5. Puzzles
Okay this one might be for a specific set of children, but if your kid loves a little bit of mystery, intrigue, and loves it when a puzzle falls together, you simply can’t go wrong with including puzzles to their Christmas stockings. It’s a sure-fire way to keeping children entertained for quite a while!
Whether you’re looking to strengthen their numbers game with the help of number floor puzzles or just teach them ABC, you can easily find a good puzzle to gift your child. There are a number of puzzles and jigsaws that are great children’s stocking filler ideas.
6. Pre-filled Christmas Stockings
KeepEmQuiet are now famous for their pre-filled Xmas stockings. Every year these sell out as they make a convenient and economical way of purchasing multiple toys in one go! 9 entertainment items ranging from crafts, stickers, collectibles, colouring, activities, games and more - some items are Christmas themed, such as Santa craft kits, Elves playing card games and other Christmasy activities to get in the festive mood. These are much cheaper than doing it yourself, full of proven fun activities bought by hundreds of thousands of parents worldwide. Our signature blue bag is put to one side and all the items are packed into a JUMBO christmas stocking! Leave the hardwork and running around to us, we pick age appropriate fun things for your kids (or grandkids, nieces/nephews, because afterall these make for a GREAT gift).
Christmas brings with it a plethora of gift options, and an equally large number of stocking filler ideas for kids to reward your child for being good this year. You can find all of these and more in one convenient place today; our store. Start ordering now to prepare for the festive season before-hand and avoid having to worry about low stocks near Christmas!
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